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Jun Miyake - The Unspoken

Admittedly, I've heard about Jun Miyake only recently, by watching Win Wenders' Pina, featuring The Here and After, sung (also) by Lisa Papineau.

(And I still hope to see more good directors going 3D - although I know the hope might be futile, just like a hope for more good high-resolution audio recordings.)

Jun Miyake makes different things, remaining a skilled and inspiring musician. For me, he is also sort of eclectic in modern forms all the time, although it may be just a zeitgeist, at its best. He impressively moves things forward anyhow.

This piece also shows why the recording is good when it is unobtrusive, but competent and functional. It is no compromise definition, and there are plenty of tonal colors, too. With a touch of digital glare and a certain lack of natural acoustics, though.


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